Author name: Maria Fad

Companion Planting for Pest Control

Companion Planting for Pest Control: Organic Solutions

Are you tired of battling pests in your garden and resorting to harsh chemical pesticides? Companion planting for pest control might just be the solution you need. This natural organic gardening method involves planting specific plants together to enhance their growth and productivity while also benefiting the surrounding plants. In this article, we’ll explore the …

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Can plants see? let's answer that from a scientific and a spiritual perspective.

Can Plants See?

The human mind is extremely curious. we tend to question everything and anything. Since I had a huge passion for plants ever since I was a child, and while growing up, I’d always ask myself these questions: “Are plants able to see?”, “Do plants have feelings?“, “Can they hear?” And I know for sure I’m …

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How to revive a dying lemon verbena

How to Save and Revive a Dying Lemon Verbena Plant (Aloysia)

Lemon verbena is a delightful plant that’s sure to brighten up your day with its refreshing lemon scent and zesty flavor. This versatile herb can be used in cooking, baking, and tea-making, as well as in traditional medicine and aromatherapy. Its leaves are rich in essential oils that have many potential health benefits, including reducing …

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